Monday, September 28, 2009

Return To Glory

For far too long I have ignored the desperate petitions of people for my triumphant return to blogging, and I apologize!
I have heard the cries of the people and have inclined my ear to listen!

Now let's turn our attention to what's really important here.............It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
For those of you that are not familiar with this brilliant TV show, shame on you. SHAME.

Let me just say this: if you watch the episode where Charlie writes a musical, you will never be the same. Food will taste better, the sun will seem brighter, and you will hear children's laughter in the air (but in a non-creepy kind of way).

UPDATE*** I just watched another episode while pretending to take notes in my class and almost peed my pants because I was laughing so hard.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break Session #1

My roommates, Brooks and Grant, and I set out last Friday for what shall from this moment forward be called a monumental roadtrip. 

We hit the road at 4am on friday and drove 17 hours to Phoenix where we stayed with some friends. Then we woke up the next morning and drove to the Grand Canyon. Once we got to the canyon, we camped for one night and woke up early to see the sun rise over the canyon. 

After the Grand Canyon, we drove to Las Vegas, where we spent two nights in the Monte Carlo hotel and casino on the strip. Let's just say this: the house always wins :(

This morning, we woke up and hit the road once again and headed towards Los Angeles, where we will be for the next two days. We drove in and went immediately to Laguna Beach, where we watched a beautiful sunset over the pacific ocean.

Here are some pictures to document our trip thus far:

Our first couple of minutes at the Grand Canyon

The sunrise over the canyon

Brooks and Grant cheating death

I have REALLY missed Dayna on this trip!

Our hotel in Vegas...nice place

The house always wins....jerks.

Sunset in Laguna Beach, CA

Grant saw some dolphins and wanted to chase them...but he chickened out at the last minute.

Overall, this has been an incredible trip that I will never forget!
I have taken 460 pictures so far, so these are only a small sample of our trip!

here's to another 5 days of spring break!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things That Annoy Me Volume 1

There has been much rioting in the streets over the past couple months in efforts to make me bring back the "Things That Make Me Want To Stab Myself In The Eye" posts, so I will oblige with a similar title, "Things That Annoy Me".

Here at Texas A&M, there is a wonderful place on campus known fondly as the Flag Room. This room is where people go to study and take naps on couches. (anyone else think it's weird to sit next to 3 different strangers taking naps?).

Not only is the room aesthetically pleasing, but there is also a piano in the corner of the room that is open for people to play.

You wanna know what really annoys me? When people who are terrible at playing the piano sit down and start playing. WHY ARE YOU TORTURING US?! we didn't do anything to deserve being on the receiving end of your lack of talent! I say, there should be a rule that if the popular vote of the room says you suck, then we all get to beat you with sticks. sound fair? good.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Hobby

I've recently added photography to my list of hobbies/interests.
I got a new camera for Christmas and have been busying myself with learning how to use it and attempting to be artsy (and failing miserably).
here are some pictures that i've taken thus far:

My Sister and her son Cooper
My mom

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Every year, my sister and I compete in a rather fierce christmas cookie decorating contest.
Now, I don't want to spoil the ending to this beautiful story, but I've been the winner for 2 years running (Megan might attempt to refute this, but she's in denial).
This year, my girlfriend Dayna competed with us and I think she was a bit taken off-guard by the level of ferocity that we take it to.

The judge of our contest is our dad, the honorable Dan Bates.
Make no mistake about it, Dan is a sharp one. He's no scrub judge.

Megan's design, a poor-man's snowglobe, was decent at best (just kidding, was actually really good).
She spent more time applying individual dot sprinkles with tweezers than the amount I slept last night (almost true).
Dayna's cookie(s) were probably the most creative cookies of the lot, but unfortunately were looked over by the judging table.
my cookie, a festive, timely, and wonderful heart, was deemed the winner after much consideration and deliberation from the judge. Good choice, I must say!

I don't have any pictures of this even yet uploaded to the computer, but hopefully I will do so eventually.

merry christmas!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Famous By Association

I recently discovered that I am famous by association.
you should be.

I found out (via facebook...i know, lame.) that a girl i went to elementary school and junior high with is one of beyonce's backup dancers. I tried my best to find a picture of her actually dancing with beyonce....but you'll just have to take my word for it.

i know that this "association" is a bit of a stretch....but c'mon, it's pretty freakin' cool.

the only thing that would be cooler is if aaron neville sang at my birthday party

who wouldn't want this guy to sing happy birthday to them??

Thursday, October 2, 2008

These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty!!!

I feel as though it is time that I pay homage to one of the greatest television shows known to mankind.
Now, although this particular show has been off the air for almost a decade, it has never failed to provide laughs, tears, joy, and hugs.

Are you tired of that super-crappy "comedian" Dane Cook yet?
Are you desperate for comedy that is so simple, so pure that you can't help but laugh?

me too.